Let’s make San Francisco a mushroom safe place, an entheogenic plant place

Exciting news to share,. A documentary, “Lineage” by Marjorie Sturm (@marjoriesturm) features entheogenic cultivator Niko Summers and his mom Elizabeth. It will be screening on Opening Night, October 1st at the Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema.

Register for the event and meet the decrimsf team and join the conversation on safe and accessible use of entheogenic plants and mushrooms.

Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema featuring “Lineage” debuts October 1st

Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema featuring “Lineage” debuts October 1st

A lineage of healing in San Francisco’s Noe Vally is evidenced by entheogenic cultivator Niko Summers and his herbalist mother Elizabeth. They come from a long line of healers. Niko supports the decriminalization of entheogenic plants and mushrooms to empower healing and awareness in marginalized communities in San Francisco. “In the BIPOC community, we don’t have safe access, open access, open sourcing and even safe spaces -- a mushroom safe place”, implores Niko from his lush and vibrant backyard garden.

Marginalized communities have no access to traditional healing plants and fungi medicines/sacraments. Healing is not available where it is most urgently needed. He continues, “I know people out in the bay views hunters point are not going to find me. And those are the people who really need it are these communities.” Decriminalizing these sacred medicines would allow people like Niko and Elizebeth to better serve communities in need.

“When decriminalization or legalization occurs, it becomes more acceptable , the stigma starts to get removed. These are sacred plants, these are medicines, these are ancient healing tools,” say Niko. It it known that systemic and structural racism/discrimination exists within the mental health system.. Stigma, limited access and finding culturally appropriate care are sited as some of the main reasons BIPOC communities lack effective mental health care.

Niko is eager offer the wondrous benefits of plant based healing and states, “You are in a joyous state and you put so much love and energy in these plants or into these medicines that you’re making for people, you share it with them and they receive this amazing gift.”

Our city leaders need to know that there are people with the skills and passion to help people heal, Especially those with no current access or culturally appropriate care. Passing's a city wide decriminalization of entheogenic plants and mushrooms would be a start to enabling the many in need on their healing journey, folks like Niko and his mom Elizebeth are counting on our city leaders do the right thing and end restrictive and punitive laws against these sacred medicines.


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